プロダイバーになるまであと少し!Only a few more steps to pro-diver! | ダイビングインストラクターカレッジ 沖縄




プロダイバーになるまであと少し!Only a few more steps to pro-diver!

こんにちは!ワースタのラフィアです。Hello! It‘s Rafia from Work Study again.


How is everyone doing? Us Work Study (April intake) students are not doing so well. Only a few more days till Dive Master tests and we are definitely lagging behind. So much to read, remember and practice! Are we even going to pass and become pro-divers!?!  

しかし、もうレスキューダイバーの資格を撮れたことは嬉しい!シーサー那覇店のスタッフ全員でレスキュー講習中1日ずっと水泳(300 メートル)、トラブル対応、疲労ダイバー平行、レスキュー呼吸練習し、最後に振り返りもでき、非常に良いシミュレーションをできました!

However, we are happy to announce that we are already Rescue Divers! During the rescue course we also spent a day doing a practical simulation with all SeaSir members in Naha, practicing swimming (300 meters), trouble management, tired diver management, in water emergency rescue breathing and last but not the least reflection of the whole day. It was quite a day!


We are trying our level best to leave no stones unturned in this remaining short time period before Dive Master. We are going to the pool to practice swimming (sometimes after work!), learning skin diving by practicing during lunch or free time and so on. So please keep on cheering us and wishing us the best!


