Hello everyone this is Loïc, from France. I joined Seasir at the beginning of April with the program "Work and Study" to become a pro diver. It's easy to spot me as I should be the only foreigner with green eyes and pink wetsuits ❤️.
Today I want to talk about Introduction diving and the intensive training session we had in Aka-jima seasir shop.
On the first day we had writing test and fishes test. What come next was practice.
The first time I discovered diving was with introduction diving and I had memories that it was pretty easy. I thought that it shouldn't be that much difficult. How wrong I was !
Here is a list of few points that I struggle myself the most among many things :
The learning process was not quick a d when I watch videos of the first attempts I laugh quite hard 🤣🤣😂
The training session is over but I will continue to practice so I can quickly officially be an Introduction diving guide.
Thank you all for reading.
Loïc Le Borgne -- ロイッキ